OCaml libraries and tools to communicate with the ActivityPub protocol.

The activitypub package contains the base library, common to client and server sides.

The activitypub_server package includes TAPS, an experimental Tiny ActivityPub Server which implements server-to-server (S2S) and client-to-server (C2S) protocols.

The activitypub_client package contains a library implementing the client-side of client-to-server (C2S) protocol to build client applications.

The activitypub_gui package contains an experimental GUI client, based on Stk. It also includes a library to display various GUI elements (collections, actors, ...) and a not-yet developed server administration tool.


Development is hosted on framagit.

OCaml-activitypub is released under LGPL3 license.

OCaml-activitypub server and the client library are used for this bot.

Author and contact

Maxence Guesdon <Maxence 'DOT' Guesdon 'AT' inria 'DOT' fr>