Here is an example of a simple client. It uses to parse the command line and call a function post which posts a note, acting as each of the actors of the configuration file. The content of the note is the concatenation of the anonymous command line arguments.

module AP = Activitypub
module C = Activitypub_client

(* To build our note content, we put each argument in a paragraph
  and concatenates. This is for an example purpose, else
  we should perform proper HTML escaping.*)
let build_msg args = String.concat "\n"
  ( (fun s -> Printf.sprintf "<p>%s</p>" s) args)

let post_note msg (_actor_iri, (module A : C.Actor.T)) =
  (* build the actor object and dereference it *)
  let%lwt actor = () in
  (* create a public note with our message *)
  match%lwt actor#create_note msg ~public:true () with
  | Ok (Some iri) -> (fun m -> m "Note posted: %a" Iri.pp iri);
   | Ok None -> (fun m -> m "Note posted (no IRI?)");
  | Error e ->
        (fun m -> m "Error while posting note as %a: %a"
           Iri.pp actor#iri AP.E.pp e);

(* We build the message and make each actor create a note
  in parallel. *)
let post _conf actor_map args =
  let msg = build_msg args in
  Lwt_list.iter_p (post_note msg) (Iri.Map.bindings actor_map)

let () = post

Compilation requires lwt_ppx to handle the %lwt extension nodes, and the package activitypub_client.