Module Chamo.Minibuffer_rc

Configuration of the minibuffer.

val base_name : string

Name of the minibuffer in command names, etc.

val rc_file : string

The user's configuration file.

val key_bindings : (Stk.Key.keystate list * string) list Ocf.conf_option

Key bindings of the minibuffer.

val history_key_bindings : (Stk.Key.keystate list * string) list Ocf.conf_option

Additional key bindings of the minibuffer when an history is set.

val exiting_keys : Stk.Key.keystate list list Ocf.conf_option

Key combinations which exits from the minibuffer.

val read : unit -> unit

Read the configuration file.

val write : unit -> unit

Write the configuration file.

val add_minibuffer_key_binding : Stk.Key.keystate list -> string -> unit

This function add a key binding for the minibuffers, described by a combination of key hits and an associated command name.

val add_minibuffer_key_binding_string : string -> string -> unit

Same as add_minibuffer_key_binding but the combination of key hits is given as a string.