The erssical command line tool executes queries, fetching RSS channels, merging and filtering items and outputting a new RSS channel or Ical data.


erssical [options] <url|file>

erssical reads the query from the given file or fetches it from the given url, executes it and outputs the result on stdout.

Options are:

  --url  Indicate that the argument is a url to fetch the query from
  --ical  Output result in Ical format
  --rss  Output result in RSS format
  --xtmpl  Output result in XML format, using template provided in the query
  --debug  Output result in debug format
  --cache <dir> Cache fetched RSS channels in <dir>
  --ttl <n> When using cache, set default time to live to <n> minutes;
		default is 60
  -help  Display this list of options
  --help  Display this list of options