
To add event information associated to RSS items, first you have to declare a namespace, as additional XML nodes in RSS documents must be prefixed by a namespace.

In your RSS document, just declare the namespace, for example ev:

<rss version="2.0"

The following elements can be added under the <item>..</item> node.


Who can attend to this event, specified as free text. Example:

<ev:audience>Software developers and researchers</ev:audience>

When the event ends, in RFC#822 format. Example:

<ev:endDate>Thu, 25 Apr 2013 17:00:00 +0100</ev:endDate>

Keywords, listed in <item>..</item> subnodes. Example:


The expected level of the public. Not fully specified yet.

The link to the event information.


Where the event takes place. This is free text. Example:

<ev:location><a href="">INRIA Paris-Île-de-France</a></ev:location>

Who is organizing the event, each organizer being indicated as free text in a <item>..</item> subnodes.


Who will speak or animate the event, each person being indicated as free text in a <item>..</item> subnodes. Example:

  <item>Santa Claus &lt;;</item>
  <item>Pinocchio &lt;;</item>


When the event begins, in RFC#822 format. Example:

<ev:startDate>Wed, 24 Apr 2013 09:00:00 +0100</ev:startDate>

Note that if no <startDate> is specified, the date of the item is used. This field allows to separate the date of the announce, in the RSS item, from the date of the event.


The type of event. The content is not yet fully specified. Example:
