Lablgtk-extras is a collection of libraries and modules useful when developing OCaml/LablGtk applications.
Last release for LablGtk2 is 1.6 and installs the packages lablgtk2-extras and lablgtk2-extras.configwin.
Release 3.0 uses Lablgtk3 and installs the packages lablgtk3-extras and lablgtk3-extras.configwin.
The following modules have more detailed pages:
Lablgtk-extras is hosted on Framagit.
To be installed, Lablgtk-extras requires:
To compile and install:
This will install the lablgtk3-extras and lablgtk3-extras.configwin packages.
You can also install with Opam:
opam install lablgtk3-extras
Reference documentation is here.
Lablgtk-extras is released under the LGPL v3.
Maxence Guesdon <Maxence 'DOT' Guesdon 'AT' inria 'DOT' fr>