Module Configwin_types

This module contains the types used in Configwin.

val name_to_keysym : (string * int) list
val string_to_key : string -> [> `CONTROL | `LOCK | `MOD1 | `MOD2 | `MOD3 | `MOD4 | `MOD5 | `SHIFT ] list * int
val key_to_string : ([> `CONTROL | `LOCK | `MOD1 | `MOD2 | `MOD3 | `MOD4 | `MOD5 | `SHIFT ] list * int) -> string
val key_wrapper : (Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) Ocf.Wrapper.t
val key_option : ?doc:string -> ?cb:((Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) -> unit) -> (Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) -> (Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) Ocf.conf_option

To define key options, with the Ocf module.

type 'a string_param = {
string_label : string;(*

the label of the parameter

mutable string_value : 'a;(*

the current value of the parameter

string_editable : bool;(*

indicates if the value can be changed

string_f_apply : 'a -> unit;(*

the function to call to apply the new value of the parameter

string_help : string option;(*

optional help string

string_expand : bool;(*

expand or not

string_to_string : 'a -> string;
string_of_string : string -> 'a;

This type represents a string or filename parameter, or any other type, depending on the given conversion functions.

type bool_param = {
bool_label : string;(*

the label of the parameter

mutable bool_value : bool;(*

the current value of the parameter

bool_editable : bool;(*

indicates if the value can be changed

bool_f_apply : bool -> unit;(*

the function to call to apply the new value of the parameter

bool_help : string option;(*

optional help string


This type represents a boolean parameter.

type 'a list_param = {
list_label : string;(*

the label of the parameter

mutable list_value : 'a list;(*

the current value of the parameter

list_columns : (('a -> string) * string option) list;(*

the list of columns: how each must be displayed, and its optional title

list_f_edit : ('a -> 'a) option;(*

optional edition function

list_eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool;(*

the comparison function used to get list without doubles

list_color : 'a -> string option;(*

a function to get the optional color of an element

list_editable : bool;(*

indicates if the value can be changed

list_f_add : unit -> 'a list;(*

the function to call to add list

list_f_apply : 'a list -> unit;(*

the function to call to apply the new value of the parameter

list_help : string option;(*

optional help string


This type represents a parameter whose value is a list of 'a.

type combo_param = {
combo_label : string;
mutable combo_value : string;
combo_choices : string list;
combo_editable : bool;
combo_new_allowed : bool;
combo_f_apply : string -> unit;
combo_help : string option;(*

optional help string

combo_expand : bool;(*

expand the entry widget or not

type custom_param = {
custom_box :;
custom_f_apply : unit -> unit;
custom_expand : bool;
custom_framed : string option;(*

optional label for an optional frame

type color_param = {
color_label : string;(*

the label of the parameter

mutable color_value : string;(*

the current value of the parameter

color_editable : bool;(*

indicates if the value can be changed

color_f_apply : string -> unit;(*

the function to call to apply the new value of the parameter

color_help : string option;(*

optional help string

color_expand : bool;(*

expand the entry widget or not

type date_param = {
date_label : string;(*

the label of the parameter

mutable date_value : int * int * int;(*

day, month, year

date_editable : bool;(*

indicates if the value can be changed

date_f_string : (int * int * int) -> string;(*

the function used to display the current value (day, month, year)

date_f_apply : (int * int * int) -> unit;(*

the function to call to apply the new value (day, month, year) of the parameter

date_help : string option;(*

optional help string

date_expand : bool;(*

expand the entry widget or not

type font_param = {
font_label : string;(*

the label of the parameter

mutable font_value : string;(*

the font name

font_editable : bool;(*

indicates if the value can be changed

font_f_apply : string -> unit;(*

the function to call to apply the new value of the parameter

font_help : string option;(*

optional help string

font_expand : bool;(*

expand the entry widget or not

type hotkey_param = {
hk_label : string;(*

the label of the parameter

mutable hk_value : Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int;(*

The value, as a list of modifiers and a key code

hk_editable : bool;(*

indicates if the value can be changed

hk_f_apply : (Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) -> unit;(*

the function to call to apply the new value of the paramter

hk_help : string option;(*

optional help string

hk_expand : bool;(*

expand or not

val mk_custom_text_string_param : 'a string_param -> string string_param
type parameter_kind =
| String_param of string string_param
| List_param of unit -> < box : GObj.widget; apply : unit; >
| Filename_param of string string_param
| Bool_param of bool_param
| Text_param of string string_param
| Combo_param of combo_param
| Custom_param of custom_param
| Color_param of color_param
| Date_param of date_param
| Font_param of font_param
| Hotkey_param of hotkey_param
| Html_param of string string_param

This type represents the different kinds of parameters.

type configuration_structure =
| Section of string * parameter_kind list(*

label of the section, parameters

| Section_list of string * configuration_structure list(*

label of the section, list of the sub sections


This type represents the structure of the configuration window.

type return_button =
| Return_apply(*

The user clicked on Apply at least once before closing the window with Cancel or the window manager.

| Return_ok(*

The user closed the window with the ok button.

| Return_cancel(*

The user closed the window with the cancel button or the window manager but never clicked on the apply button.


To indicate what button was pushed by the user when the window is closed.

Bindings in the html editor

type html_binding = {
mutable html_key : Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int;
mutable html_begin : string;
mutable html_end : string;
val htmlbinding_wrapper : html_binding Ocf.Wrapper.t
val htmlbinding_option : ?doc:string -> ?cb:(html_binding -> unit) -> html_binding -> html_binding Ocf.conf_option