Module Ldp_tls

Performing queries using Cohttp and Tls.

val make : ?cache_impl:(module Ldp.Http.Cache) -> ?cache_dir:string -> ?authenticator:X509.Authenticator.t -> ?cert:(string * string) -> dbg:(string -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit -> (module Ldp.Http.Http) Lwt.t

make ?cache_dir ?cache_impl ?authenticator ~cert:(pemfile, privkeyfile) ~dbg creates a new module to perform HTTP queries. dbg is a debugging function. Optional arguments:

  • cache_impl indicates a cache implementation to use,
  • cache indicates a directory to use for cache, if no cache_impl is provided. If none is provided, no cache is used.
  • authenticator indicates the way to authentify a server; default is no authentification.
  • cert is a pair (certificate file, key file) to authenticate client in SSL.