OCaml-stk is a Graphical User Interfce toolkit for OCaml based on libSDL 2, through the Tsdl bindings.

Lwt is used to provide pseudo-parallelism in event handling.

Stk is still in development but already provides various widgets.

The stk_iconv package provides bindings to GNU libiconv to convert strings to and from UTF-8, which is the format of strings in OCaml-stk.

The stk_ocf package provides utilities to build configuration boxes using Ocf but its API is not yet stabilised.

The stk_rdf package provides utilities to display RDF graphs but its API is not yet stabilised.

The stk_xml package provides a widget to display XML documents. It handles CSS styling, allows custom representation of some XML nodes and adding events to created widgets to allow interaction with the document elements.


Development is hosted on framagit.

OCaml-STK is released under GPL3 license.

Stk is used in Chamo.

Author and contact

Maxence Guesdon <Maxence 'DOT' Guesdon 'AT' inria 'DOT' fr>