Module Stk.App

STK application.

type sdl_events_mode = [
  1. | `Detached
  2. | `Lwt_engine

The way SDL events are handled.

  • `Detached means that events are handled in a detached Lwt thread,
  • `Lwt_engine will register event handling in Lwt loop.
type app

The application.

val init : ?force_mouse_focus_clickthrough:bool -> ?window_flags:Tsdl.Sdl.Window.flags -> ?renderer_flags:Tsdl.Sdl.Renderer.flags option -> ?event_delay:int -> ?sdl_events_mode:sdl_events_mode -> unit -> unit Lwt.t

Initializing the application. Optional arguments:

  • force_mouse_focus_clickthrough will set the MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH hint. Default is true.
  • window_flags sets the default flags used when creating windows. Default is no flag.
  • renderer_flags sets the default flags used when creating windows. If not provided, the content of the STK_APP_RENDERER_FLAGS environment variable is used to retrieve comma-separatd list of flags (among "software", "accelerated", "presentvsync" and "targettexture"). For example, to use the accelerated renderer by default, you can run your application with

    $ STK_APP_RENDERER_FLAGS=accelerated,presentvsync ./my_app
  • event_delay indicates the timeout delay (in ms) when polling events (in `Detached mode) or the timer delay (in `Lwt_engine mode).
  • sdl_events_mode sets the way to handle sdl events. Default is `Lwt_engine.

Note that when the application is initialized, it is not run yet and run must be called to handle events.

val app : unit -> app

Returns the application. Raises Failure if application is not initialized.

val create_window : ?modal_for:Window.window -> ?flags:Tsdl.Sdl.Window.flags -> ?rflags:Tsdl.Sdl.Renderer.flags -> ?resizable:bool -> ?show:bool -> ?x:int -> ?y:int -> ?w:int -> ?h:int -> string -> Window.window

create_window title creates a new window with the given title. Application must have been initialized.

Windows should be created with this function rather than directly using function and classes of the Window module, because they must be registered in the application, so that events are correctly propagated.

Optional arguments:

  • modal_for can be used to block a given window while the new window is not closed.
  • flags are passed to SDL to create the window. Default flags are the application window flags.
  • rflags are passed to SDL to create the window renderer. Default flags are the application renderer flags.
  • resizable specifies whether to add the resizable flag to windows flags.
  • show specifies whether to show the window after its creation (default is true).
  • x sets the initial x position of the window.
  • y sets the initial y position of the window.
  • w sets the initial width of the window.
  • h sets the initial height of the window.

Note that when the window is not resizable, then it will have automatic width if no width is specified and automatic height if no height is specified. Automatic means depending of the contents required min width and height.

val create_scrolled_window : ?modal_for:Window.window -> ?flags:Tsdl.Sdl.Window.flags -> ?rflags:Tsdl.Sdl.Renderer.flags -> ?resizable:bool -> ?show:bool -> ?x:int -> ?y:int -> w:int -> h:int -> ?hpolicy:Bin.PScrollbar_policy.t -> ?vpolicy:Bin.PScrollbar_policy.t -> string -> Window.window * Bin.scrollbox

Same as create_window but creates also a Bin.scrollbox, which is has child of the window and returned. The child of the window being a Bin.scrollbox, it has no minimum width and height, so w and h arguments are mandatory when creating the window. Additional optional arguments:

  • hpolicy policy to display horizontal scrollbar.
  • vpolicy policy to display vertical scrollbar.
val close_windows : unit -> unit

close_windows () closes all the windows of the application.

val stop : app -> unit

stop app stops the application. Application can be run again.

val quit : unit -> unit

quit () closes all windows and stop the application.

val popup_menu : ?x:int -> ?y:int -> ?on_close:(bool -> unit) -> Widget.widget -> Window.window

popup_menu widget creates and display a menu window, i.e. e window with no decoration. Menu windows are handled specially, being all closed usually when a menu item is activated. Optional arguments:

  • x: initial x position of the window.
  • y: initial y position of the window.
  • on_close: callback called when the window is closed. the boolean argument indicates whether this is the last menu window to be closed.
val close_menu_windows : unit -> unit

close_menu_windows () closes all menu windows.

val run : unit -> unit Lwt.t

run () runs the application. The returned Lwt thread terminates when applications stops. Raises Failure if application is not initialized.